Yoga Well Institute
The Yoga Well Institute is dedicated to authentic Yoga, meditation, and lifestyle teachings from the Viniyoga lineage of Mr. TKV Desikachar. Yoga philosophy studies form the foundation for our teachings, especially Patañjali’s Yogasūtra, Bhagavad Gītā, and Haṭha Yoga Pradīpika. Our offerings explore the breadth and depth of Viniyoga from texts to practices to therapeutics and beyond. We are dedicated to providing a safe, supportive and caring Yoga community where people come out of suffering, experience sustainable transformation, and live a purposeful and satisfying life.
Vibrant Health
Yoga is often associated with physical health, however, your overall wellbeing involves much more than just the body.
Mental Wellness
Yoga allows a presence of mind that gives us greater capacity to choose experiences that support how we want to feel.
Balanced Living
Yoga is a state of being in which the entire mind-body system is in balance. Encouraging this state is what we call “practice.”

Your Journey
Your Yoga practice should always meet you where you are. At Yoga Well Institute, we have tools and opportunities for the next step on your path.
Which one is right for you?