About the Yoga Well Institute
Profound Teachings for Inspired Living

The Yoga Well Institute is an organization dedicated to Yoga, meditation, and holistic health in the tradition of Viniyoga.
We provide a safe, supportive, and caring Yoga community, where people experience sustainable transformation, come out of suffering, and learn how to help others do the same thing.
The Yoga Well Institute’s Values
These are some of the tenants of the Viniyoga philosophy. Based on a centuries-old tradition, our holistic approach creates sustainable transformation in anyone who is committed to the process.
The Viniyoga Lineage
Our Director, Chase Bossart, studied personally with TKV Desikachar, the student and son of T. Krishnamacharya — who is often referred to as the Father of Modern Yoga. To understand our story is to understand the history of our Lineage.

Śri Krishnamacharya is one of the most influential Yogis of our era. He was an accomplished scholar in Vedic philosophy, an Āyurvedic Healer, and reviver of ancient yoga traditions. Widely regarded as the Father of Modern Yoga, popular styles like Iyengar, Ashtanga and Vinyasa emerged from his teachings.

TKV Desikachar
Son of Śri Krishnamacharya, T.K.V. Desikachar studied daily with his father for 29 years. Especially well known for his work as a Yoga Therapist, Mr. Desikachar was an experienced practitioner and teacher of the full range of Yoga tools. He wrote several influential books, including “The Heart of Yoga” and “Health, Healing & Beyond.”

Chase Bossart
Chase first met Mr. Desikachar while studying abroad in Chennai, India in 1991. He studied as a personal student of Mr. Desikachar’s for over 20 years, learning the principles and practical tools of this ancient lineage. Since 2005, he has been making the breadth and depth of these teachings available to students.
Our Community
The heart of our community consists of experienced teachers, dedicated students, and supportive faculty and staff. We are all tied together by our commitment towards a more purposeful and satisfying life through Viniyoga.
Our Community
The heart of our community consists of experienced teachers, dedicated students, and supportive faculty and staff. We are all tied together by our commitment towards a more purposeful and satisfying life through Viniyoga.

I have relished the Yoga Sutra classes…
I have relished the Yoga Sutra classes, they became a touchstone for keeping me connected to my path, my practice and my highest self, They took on the quality of a sacred weekly spiritual tune-up.
What We Do
We provide online and in-person experiences that are part of a process of deepening your understanding and creating sustainable transformation in your life.
Broaden your understanding of Yoga’s Indian roots
Weekly community meditation practice.
Deepen your practice with our Yoga Therapist Training