I experienced Yoga Therapy with my Mentor before I even understood what it was. I had left my job, moved across the country and split up with my husband. Between watching my two small kids and nursing a range of feelings over the break up, my life was turned upside down.
It was clear to me that I needed support, so I found a talk therapist, a career coach, and I frequented a Yoga studio in my neighborhood. This helped keep me sane, but none of that got to the heart of what had really been going on in my relationship before the split, or how to digest all the anger, pain, and grief of our separation. It wasn’t until I started working with a Yoga Mentor that I got the personalized care and support that helped me to heal.
With the support of my Mentor, I turned my life, and my marriage, around. How?
When you work with a Yoga Mentor, there’s space to share what matters to you, what makes you tick, and what things are holding you back or causing you pain. Keep in mind: not all Yoga Therapists work in this way, so it’s important to seek out one with this kind of training.
The Yoga Well Institute trains excellent Yoga Therapists, and provides a mentor matching service for folks looking for this kind of care.
Mentors aren’t there to come up with any answers, but they are great listeners, and skilled at designing practices that help bring you back into balance. From a balanced state, you can more easily uncover the answers that are already inside of you.
Practice is usually simple and the idea is that you do it every day. If you’re not someone who is good at starting new habits, don’t worry. Your mentor is an expert at designing a plan, and offering support so you’ll have success. With a daily practice, tailored to your needs, taking time for yourself and your Yoga doesn’t feel like a chore: it feels like the medicine you need. With a daily practice, you get to feel something that you really need, and that feeling gets easier to find and stays with you longer as time goes on.
Practice also evolves as you do. As you start to heal and see your life improve, your mentor will bring you and your practice along to the next step so your journey and healing will continue.
I’m so incredibly grateful to my Mentor, and the Yoga Therapy practice that started way back then.
It was the heart of my healing, and the foundation for not only understanding what was going wrong with my relationship and life, but the means for making it better.
I’m happy to share that because of this support, my hubby and I made it through. It has been 10 years since our separation, and our marriage and family life is nothing short of amazing. I have gone on to become a Yoga Therapist (I’m a true believer!). I’m honored to be able to offer the kind of support I received to my own clients. I continue to see my mentor, to benefit from the relationship and guidance, and everyday I see how Yoga Therapy enriches my life.

Amanda Green
Amanda Green is a graduate of the YATNA yoga therapy program (2017) and an IAYT-certified yoga therapist. Amanda is faculty at Yoga Well Institute where she teaches and mentors future yoga therapists, and she offers individual yoga therapy through her practice in Austin, TX and online.