
Yoga therapy can be used for healing from trauma, recovering from a physical ailment, or to help you show up as your most authentic self in life.

Here are 5 Reasons to Work with a Yoga Therapist

#1 Individualized: Personalized Attention

In this day and age of Teledoc and 5 minute doctor’s appointments, it’s a real pleasure to have an expert be completely attentive to you for a whole hour. Yoga Therapy appointments are generally an hour in length and you’ll have an expert Yoga Therapist’s full attention the entire time. 

Moreover, Yoga Therapy approaches each individual as a unique case. So though your symptoms may be similar to someone else’s, their causes and manifestations are unique to you. Consequently, you’ll get a practice that is tailored to meet your individual needs and capacities.  

#2 Active Participation: Guide Not Crutch

Yoga Therapy empowers you to participate in your own healing. Instead of being a passive recipient of medicine, (i.e.taking pills or deciding which procedure you’d like performed on you), Yoga Therapy gives you tools to be an active participant in the healing process. It is a very self empowering experience to actually be able to do something about how you feel!

#3 Holistic: Addresses the Entire System

Yoga Therapy’s understanding of how our human system functions is uniquely holistic. It addresses not only the body, but also the breath, mind, behavior and emotions. When we are sick or injured, aside from our body, many other parts of us are also affected, like our mood, attention and sleep, and more. Yoga Therapy has tools and techniques that address all of these dimensions, and in many cases, it does it with the same technique! 

#4 Accessible: Cost Effective

A Yoga Therapist will create a Yoga routine designed specifically for you, and teach you how to do it. Then you do it at home daily. You will not need to buy anything. No additional tools, props, mat, etc. are necessary to do the therapeutic Yoga practice. Just you, your body, your breath and your attention, that’s all you need. Moreover, you won’t need to see the Yoga Therapist again for two to four weeks (frequency varies depending upon health challenge). If you take the cost of the Yoga Therapy session and divide it by the number of times you do your practice at home, it means the cost of each practice is almost always less than $5! You can’t easily find group classes for that little! Best of all, since you’re being empowered in your own healing, the business model is the exact opposite of going to the chiropractor for someone else to ‘adjust’ you. 

#5 Inclusive: Anybody in Any Condition

Since Yoga Therapy individualizes the treatment protocol to each person and uses only the person herself as the tool, Yoga Therapy can be helpful in any health situation. Whether the health challenge is something trivial or extremely complex or palliative, Yoga Therapy has tools and techniques to help.

Looking for more?

You might be asking yourself, where can I find a Yoga Therapist near me? 

There is no “one size fits all” in Yoga. Your needs, capabilities, interests, and circumstances are unique to you, just as your practice should be. Receiving guidance from an experienced Yoga Therapist is the best way to develop a long-term Yoga practice that is personalized for you. Your Therapist designs your daily practice (and revises it, as you evolve). This is a profoundly nourishing, healing, and personal process.

At the Yoga Well Institute, we believe working with a Yoga Therapist and the healing that happens in and through this relationship is the essential heart of Yoga practice. 

We offer a Mentor Matching service (at no charge) to help continue the ongoing teacher-student link that we also have been recipients of. It is a small way to appreciate the care, effort, and love of all those who have cared for these precious teachings down through the ages and have thus given us an opportunity to benefit from them as well.

Chase Bossart

Chase Bossart

M.A., C-IAYT, E-RYT 500

Executive Director of the Yoga Well Institute, Chase has been studying Yoga, Sanskrit, eastern philosophy and religion for nearly 30 years. He had the opportunity to personally study with Mr. TKV Desikachar and serve as a teacher at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram.