
Find a Yoga Therapist Near You

Yoga Therapy is the Practice of Yoga to encourage health, healing and the restoration of wellness. It can address a wide variety of ailments both physical and mental and involves one-to-one guidance under a Certified Yoga Therapist who will help you develop a regular personal practice that is specifically tailored to you. In the Viniyoga Tradition that we follow here at the Yoga Well Institute this person is also referred to as a Mentor as the relationship between you and your Yoga Therapist is one that is focused on your own personal growth and transformation. 

Your Yoga Therapist, or Mentor, will design a personal practice that is made with solely you and your needs in mind. As your needs evolve, be they physical, mental or even spiritual, so too will the practice. The relationship you develop with your Yoga Therapist will allow them to adapt your practice to where you are at any given moment. This powerful personal connection between you and your mentor opens the possibility of a practice that is nourishing, healing, and often the key to unlocking your true potential

Because personal yoga practice under the guidance of a Yoga Therapist is a central pillar to the Viniyoga tradition, the Yoga Well Institute offers free Yoga Therapist matching and referrals for individuals in search of a Yoga Therapist regardless of your experience working with a personal Yoga Therapist. We offer this service in honor of the Viniyoga Tradition and the direct student-teacher relationship. By connecting teachers with students we are able to keep the practice of direct transmission of the Viniyoga Lineage alive as it is intended. This in turn honors the teachers who have come before us and who have passed these teachings down through millennia. 

The process of being matched to a Yoga Therapist is simple.

  • Schedule a free 30 minute call with a Yoga Well Institute Student Advisor
  • When scheduling, complete a short questionnaire for the advisor to get acquainted with you before your call. 
  • After the call our Student Advisor will reflect on your talk and match you to one of our trusted Yoga Therapist/Mentors based on your needs and goals for your personal practice. Within about a week, our student advisor will email you and the Yoga Therapist they have determined is best suited to your needs in order to introduce you and get the ball rolling. 

If you have never worked with a Yoga Therapist before here are somethings to keep in mind: 

  • Yoga Therapists will typically charge between $85 – $150 an hour for their guidance. You and your Yoga Therapist will work to discuss this and other details regarding payment when you meet for the first time. The Yoga Well Institute is not involved in the financial relationship between you and your Yoga Therapist nor do we receive payment from our Yoga Therapist for referrals. If you desire to be matched with a Yoga Therapist who works on a sliding scale or who is able to work with you financially please let our Student Advisor know during your initial call. 
  • In the beginning you may want to meet with your Yoga Therapist more frequently so that you and your Yoga Therapist can adjust your practice early on and determine what is working and where things may need to shift. Once the practice is well established, students typically meet with their Yoga Therapists about once a month, however depending upon the situation more or less frequent meetings are possible. 
  • Sometimes the Yoga Therapist we have been matched with is not a good fit. That’s ok!!! If you find that after working with your Yoga Therapist that they are not the right Yoga Therapist for you simply let your Student Advisor know and you will be matched to a Yoga Therapist/Mentor that may be better suited. 

The most important part of working with a Yoga Therapist is starting! If you are ready, schedule your free call with our Student Advisor and let your healing journey begin.