

Deepen Your Yoga Program

300-hour Teacher Training

Begins September 21, 2022



Deepen Your Yoga Program Basics

This 15-month online program for Yoga practitioners to establish Yoga in their life in a deep and meaningful way.


  • 12 Monthly intensives

  • 50 Wednesday evening sessions

  • 66 Guided weekly meditations

  • Personalized guidance for your home practices
  • Assignments that make the information experiential 
  • Emphasis on experiential learning
  • Recommended reading, articles & assignments
  • Access to a Student Portal with on-demand recordings of all sessions
  • Private online community of fellow students
  • Led by teachers with decades of experience
  • Connection with a personal one-on-one Yoga Mentor


For the full program details download our Program Guide!

Download the guide to get the full information about the Program, as well as investment and how to apply today
Chase Bossart, M.A., C-IAYT, E-RYT 500, YACEP

Executive Director of the Yoga Well Institute and Primary Teacher for this Program, Chase has been studying Yoga, Sanskrit, eastern philosophy and religion for nearly 30 years. Chase was a private student of Mr. Desikachar, who was his mentor and teacher for 20+ years. During that time, he spent a total of four and a half years in Chennai studying with him, his family and his senior teachers. He also had the opportunity to serve as a teacher at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram. His depth of knowledge on yoga and meditation are shared through practical, humorous anecdotes that translate to everyday life.