
Applying Yoga Philosophy to Asana Practice:
When Function Becomes Form

Are you feeling stuck in your Yoga? Are you looking for more clarity in your practice and in your life? Would you like to transform how you experience your Yoga practice and in return, your life? 

Yoga is a way of being that is practiced moment by moment—we practice Yoga on our mat and we practice Yoga in our everyday life. Knowing the principles of Yoga, both as a philosophy and as a practice, is extremely helpful in establishing the practical, experiential link between the mat and everyday living. Then our personal practice becomes a place where we literally “practice” for our life. It becomes a place to practice our relationships with other people and the world. Understanding this also allows us to be able to adjust our practice based on whatever is manifesting in our life. 

Techniques including āsana (posture), prāṇāyāma (breathwork), and meditation are the experiential bridge where Yoga’s goals and aspirations can be implemented in us. This experience changes how we perceive and interact with the world around us. This workshop will explore how Yoga Philosophy applies to your āsana practice, how your āsana practice applies to your life, and how to use your practice to liberate your life!

If you are looking to learn more about what Yoga is, why it works, and how it can transform your life, this workshop is for you.

Online Workshop

Recorded: Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022.

Duration: 2 Hours

Teacher: Chase Bossart

Cost: $67
Special offer until August 31st

Location: Student Portal.

Expect to Explore

In this workshop we will discuss:

  • Yoga’s goals and aspirations as a philosophy
  • How Yoga philosophies manifest in everyday living
  • How Yoga techniques express Yoga’s philosophies
  • How to experience the link between practicing on the mat and practicing in your relationships
  • Hints for modifying techniques for your personal practice on your mat and in life!

Your Instructor

Chase Bossart

Executive Director of the Yoga Well Institute, Chase has been studying Yoga, Sanskrit, eastern philosophy and religion for nearly 30 years. In 1991, as part of a study abroad program in Chennai, India, Chase took a semester-long course on Yoga Theory with Mr. TKV Desikachar that essentially set the direction for the rest of his life. He became a private student of Mr. Desikachar, who was his mentor and teacher for 20+ years.